أين تعيش؟ Where Do You Live? by Jennifer Jean, Hanaa Ahmad Jabr
Arrowsmith Press
Where Do You Live? أين تعيش؟ is a bilingual, collaborative collection of “poem responses” in Arabic and English, written and co-translated by Iraqi poet Dr. Hanaa Ahmad and American poet Jennifer Jean—with the aid of Iraqi translators Tamara Al-Attiya and Wadaq Qais. In this intensely intimate book, poet talks to poet, and poem talks to poem. The process of the book's creation is a profound gesture towards peace and healing by women who believe in the enduring power of open-hearted dialogue. And, the “where” in question isn’t limited to a physical space but to the places minds and souls linger or reside.
Her Story Is, a collective led by women from the U.S. and Iraq, advocates for and produces co-creations between women artists from Western and MENA (Middle Eastern and North African) nations. Our process of co-creating lays new grounds for learning, grows a community of equals across borders, and promotes peaceful dialogue to transform established power structures.