Returning to My Father’s Kitchen by Monica Macansantos

from Northwestern University Press/Curbstone Books

Feeling untethered after her poet father passes away while she is living abroad, Monica Macansantos decides to return to the Philippines to regain her bearings. But with her father gone and her adult life rooted in the United States and New Zealand, can the land of her birth still serve as a place of healing?

In fifteen richly felt essays, Macansantos considers her family’s history in the Philippines, her own experiences as an exile, and the man who was the heart of her family’s kitchen, whether standing at the stove to prepare dinner or sitting at the table to scribble in his notebook. Macansantos finds herself remaking her father’s chicken adobo, but also closely rereading his poems. As she reckons with his identity as an artist, she also comes into her own as a writer, and invites us to consider whether it is possible to carry our homes with us wherever we go.

Monica’s website


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