Cover of the book "Salad Days," by Frances Badalamenti.


A new kind of
publicity for literary communities.

Welcome to MBM’s new home! Since 2015 we’ve been helping authors, publishers, and organizations start and sustain creative conversations around books, arts, society, and culture.

Helping you tell the story of your story.

Two paths lead to one quality outcome.

Full Service

We’ll collaborate over a standard 6-8 month timeline or establish a monthly retainer agreement. Think of us as your advocate in the industry. Three phases comprise a typical cycle:

  • In collaboration with your press, we compile pitch lists, develop copy, and create assets and channels for presenting your book to the world.

  • We begin the outreach process with an emphasis on establishing authentic connections and cultivating conversation around your work

  • We track outreach, follow up when necessary, and share the news and reviews that result.

Limited Engagement Consulting

Targeted strategies for smaller budgets. We adapt to your project and goals. Keep it light, and purchase hours as you please, starting from a 10-hour minimum.

Books on display in a cluttered but serene bookstore.

Mind the Bird Media supports…


Working with a large publisher who want an experienced advocate by their side every step of the way. 


Who don’t have in-house PR, but want to offer a resource to their authors as they plan their upcoming title.

Small Presses

Organizations that need an extra set of hands to strategize and promote a season of new releases.

Sparrow sitting on a log.

Thanks so much for a truly pleasurable, informative and productive time with you! We will be seeing the positive effects resulting from our collaboration far into the future and feel lucky to have you in our corner.

—First Matter Press

Our publicity strategy:

Interdependence is Everything.

The publishing world is a unique one, and our businesses are nothing without their networks. That’s where Mind the Bird Media comes in. Whether you’re seeking media attention, touring and appearances, or a broader public presence, we’ll work to build a publicity campaign that centers your goals and expands your audience. Through authentic conversation, creative literary citizenship, consistent messaging, and unconditional advocacy, we track the heart of every story and locate evolving points of connection over the course of a customized contract. 

Through full service campaigns or limited engagement consulting, we’ll elevate public perception and the conversation around your project. Authors, publishers and organizations hire us for select promotional campaigns or for ongoing consultation and services. 

Our work makes connecting with your people more effective, faster, and easier than before.

Book cover of "The Diaspora Sonnets," by Oliver de la Paz

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This question tends to warrant further questions. We urge you to consider a few things: What kind of promotion does your press offer? What type of attention are you looking for? Are you happy with your current standing? Ultimately, it comes down to what your goals for your project or launch are and how much support you want to achieve them.

  • Our rates vary based on the package because we tailor our arrangement to meet your individual needs. For reference, the average investment in a full service campaign is around $8000.

  • The difference is both complex and simple. Simply put, publicity is earned media, and marketing is paid strategy. Marketing shapes perception, while publicity raises awareness. Publicity magnifies the effect of your work on others, whether they like it or not. Publicity is the raw and real reaction the world has to your work.

  • Earned media is about building relationships, so we start with your network and engage people authentically. It’s our mission to create an organic buzz around your book. Paid reviews are pretty quick to be misrepresented in the media. Our professional recommendation is that if you have marketing dollars to spend, ads can work hand-in-hand with earned reviews, but simply paying for positive reviews is not worth the risk of losing credibility.